Are Wolf Spiders Dangerous to Humans?

A wolf spider (Pardosa amentata) crawls through the grass on a sunny day at Wem Moss, Shropshire, England.


Are Wolf Spiders Dangerous to Humans?

Having pests in and around your home is frustrating and annoying. It makes you feel uncomfortable and like you’re a visitor in your own home.

One pest you should be aware of and keep an eye out for is a wolf spider. You may be wondering what is a wolf spider and are they dangerous to humans. You must learn more about them so you can spot and get rid of them if they do enter your home.

What Are Wolf Spiders?

Wolf spiders are actually a common spider species. You may notice them since they’re relatively large creatures. They’re not only big but also hairy and frightening in appearance. You may see one and have the urge to run the other way. They’re given their name since they hunt their prey similar to how wolves do. They hunt on the ground, have good vision, and are very speedy pests. You may even mistake a wolf spider for a tarantula.

They can be found almost anywhere and tend to gravitate toward where there are insects for them to eat. For this reason, you may find them in your suburban backyard or in nearby wooded areas. They mostly eat small insects, including crickets, grasshoppers, ants, and flies.

Are They Dangerous to Humans?

You may not like the appearance or sound of them and are curious to know if they are dangerous to humans. These spiders are usually big and hairy which may alarm you, but they are primarily nuisance pests. However, wolf spiders can inject venom if continually provoked. The truth is that they aren’t afraid to bite you if they feel threatened. However, they’re typically non-aggressive in nature. If you do get bit by one you may notice some swelling, mild pain, and itching. You should go see a doctor if you get a fever or your lymph glands begin to swell.

Controlling Them

If you begin to see them near or around your house then you may want to look into some control options. For instance, you can start by spraying the area and then clearing vegetation away from the perimeter of your home. Be diligent about moving yard waste and debris, including wood and lumber piles. It’s also wise to seal any cracks or holes that are in your outer or inner walls or near the ground. Also, check areas such as your doors and windows for any other possible entryways. Avoid using outdoor lights because they do attract the types of insects that wolf spiders like to eat. Also, put screens over crawl spaces and vents near the foundation of your home.

Next Steps

If you notice an infestation of wolf spiders or that they are simply too much for you to handle and get rid of on your own, then don’t be afraid to call Old Bay Pest Control services. If you are seeing pests more often or suspect they are sharing your home, then you need a professional. 

You can expect a friendly, professional, and respectful technician to arrive at your home on time during the first visit. After the introduction, a few questions, and hearing your concerns they will perform a detailed and thorough inspection of your home inside and out including finding the nest and entry point.